Wedding ceremony
Wedding Ceremony how you’ve seen it in movies. Christian, spiritual, modern, classic, traditional, nautical – pick your way.
Want to have your own ceremony but make it official? We have the solution for you.
"I do" starts here...
Let’s make your wedding ceremony as easy and kind as they are in the best romantic movies. Our wedding ceremonies are just as long as your guests like, the text is written in a mood that it is a pleasure to listen to and say all its words. The wedding ceremony can be both spiritual, christian, crossfaith, crossreligious – and even official by the Hungarian civil law.
Based on faith
Your wows are based on faith – in each other. You do not know the future, have no idea how you will change – but you can be sure that everything will change in time. It is your wedding ceremony which can be a single moment in time, in which you can „travel back” in case you need a reminder: your love is bigger than your actual problems. Let’s make it that way!
Wedding Ceremony styles
symbolic wedding ceremony, spiritual wedding ceremony, christian wedding ceremony, crossfaith wedding ceremony, official wedding ceremony

Symbolic ceremony
The minister aligns the textbook and the style of the wedding ceremony to your needs on a personal meeting. Your hand-selected text variations will be performed.

Spiritual ceremony
In the wedding ceremony spiritual elements support the understanding of the powers of love which make the true bond between you. Text can be chosen by you.

Christian ceremony
The denomination-free Christian wedding ceremony is for couples with faith, who are asking for God’s blessing on their marriage. Non-babtized are also welcome.

Civil ceremony
Official ceremony by the registrar of the local municipality with an addition of the wedding minister – symbolic elements and texts can be picked by you.

Gospel wedding
Any wedding ceremony with the spiritual energy of live singing performance. The gospel choir sings your favourite songs live in the important moments.

Christian and Official in one
The registrar and the Christian pastor officiate the wedding together in one wedding ceremony. The textbooks are aligned to fulfill the law and faith.
Who am I?
minister, pastor, master of ceremony

I am your wedding's minister
My name is Mihály Tóth. I am 39, father of two daughters. Living in Budapest, in the busy 13th district.
I’ve been supporting couples for 19 years now – and I still find it beautiful. I can say, I am obsessed of weddings – seeing the milestone of a relationship.
5 years ago I got my call from God to help people finding their faith – again. Faith in themselves, faith in each other.
As a free-christian pastor I am officiating weddings in symbolic-, spiritual-, classic-, modern-, simple- or christian (denomination-free) wedding ceremonies.
I believe, there is no real difference talking only about love and trust and loyalty or even telling that it is the way how Jesus Christ invited us to live. I know – I have to talk on the language of the people who call me in their life in order to help them finding THEIR truth.
I would be more than happy to be Your minister. Pick the style or mood you like, and let’s make your wedding just as you are.
Wedding Ceremony Order
It is Your style – let’s find the perfect order!
1. Procession
While music plays:
- ring bearer
- groom and his mom
- bridesmaids and groomsmen
- flowergirl(s)
- bride and her father
2. Opening
The minister welcomes the couple and their guests.
In case of Christian ceremony: opening prayer and inviting the Holy Spirit
3. Readings
Opening our mind to the wows:
In case of spiritual-, symbolic- or christian ceremony, chosen readings are read by the minister or witnesses.
Gen 2:18-24
1Chor 12:31-13,8a
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
4. Wedding consent
Bride and groom both answer to the questions of the minister if they are present by their own free will with the intention to get married with each other.
In case of official- or 2in1 ceremony, this is the official part by the law.
5. Wedding wows
In spiritual wedding ceremony, symbolic wedding ceremony and christian wedding ceremony the bride and the groom say their wows to each other. You can use your own written wows or chose one from the textbook.
6. Ring exchange
The practical sign of the wows are the rings, which you exchange with a few words.
In a christian wedding ceremony the rings are blessed previously.
7. Symbolic elements
As an additional part you can strengthen your wows with symbolic elent such as:
- fisherman’s knot
- unity sand ceremony
- candle lighting
- etc
8. Mothers' rose
In most of the wedding ceremonies there is a time to thank to your parents their lifelong support with flowers and gifts. Also you can thank your partner’s parents the person you love.
Text variatons can be chosen from the textbook.
9. Closing remarks, blessing
Closing the wedding with a speech – style and actual text can be picked from the textbook.
In christian wedding ceremony blessing of the couple and closing prayer together.
10. Introduction of the newlyweds
At the end of the wedding ceremony the minister presents the couple and leave the venue together with them
Terms of the Wedding Ceremony
A few rules you can easily take care of
Wedding rules for official civil wedding ceremony
According to Hungarian law, only civil marriages are legally valid in Hungary. The legal age for getting married in Hungary is 18 years.
A civil marriage, performed according to the laws of Hungary, is generally recognised in other countries. This should be checked with the relevant authorities of the country in question.
Marriage Requirements
One of the couple must be resident in Hungary for at least 30 days before the wedding can take place.
First, the couple must visit or call the local registry office (Anyakönyvvezetői Hivatal) where they wish to get married, in order to obtain a permit. It is advisable to start the procedure about 60 days before the planned ceremony so that the arrangements can be completed by the Hungarian authorities.
The following documents are needed:
- Valid passport or ID card (személyazonosító igazolvány), and address card (lakcímkártya) (for Hungarian residents)
- Document certifying the place of residence
- Certificate of No Impediment to Marry (for foreigners – this can be obtained from the embassy/consulate of the foreigner’s home country) or Certificate of Marital Status (családi állapot igazolás) for Hungarians
- Full birth certificate (születési anyakönyvi kivonat) with the parents’ names on it ;
- Copy of the decree absolute (bontóperi ítélet) if divorced
- Death certificate if widowed
Christian Wedding Ceremony rules
According to the Christian traditions, wedding is the highest level of relationship between a woman and a man (1 Corinthians 11) based on mutual love. For that free will and clear intent is necesarry.
One time preparational conversation is needed – can be done via video-call, or personally.
In case of foreign party the language of the wedding ceremony should be defiened (Hungarian, English, bilingual).
God is everywhere – and the Lord is with us wherever we gather in His name. Any venue is suitable for the wedding ceremony. A chapel, a barn, a field, the garden of a castle, etc.
If you are not (both) baptized…
You can be baptized before the wedding service or even during. Being Christian is not just a religious act – it is a decision to live by Love.
Wedding Chapel
A chapel for weddings – anywhere
Our mobile wedding chapel can be assembled at any location, such as:
- City Garden (Városliget)
- Margareth’s island (Margitsziget)
- bank of the Danube
- at the lake Balaton
We are read to perform wedding ceremonies on any day through the year.
On selected dates we are waiting couples at best located venues.
There is an option for night weddings after sunset under the stars.
After the intitial meeting, we send you the textbook to pick from the text variations of your very own wedding ceremony.
Then we keep in touch to prepare for your wedding – and finally we are there for you at least an hour in advance on your big day.
Gospel Wedding
A special mood – live performed songs
Tune in, lift up, recharge
The gospel wedding will tune you in from the very first minute, and your guests will be waiting at the altar with smiling eyes. It’s a completely different experience when happy people are around you. Imagine your wedding in the most romantic movies! The gospel choir sings your favorite songs live at the altar. The spirit of the ceremony is enhanced by the song after the ring exchange and the vows. And as you leave, even your guests sing along with the gospel choir. Choose the live Gospel Wedding!
Quote and Booking
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